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We are currently unable to accept intakes. We apologize for the inconvenience.

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Our policy is to not accept kittens until they are at least 8 weeks old and weigh at least 2 pounds. Young kittens do not do well in the shelter environment and tend to become ill. They do much better when they remain with their mother until they are weaned. 


If you find kittens, please follow this chart to determine how to best help them. If they are healthy, clean, and in a safe place, please feed the mother and leave the kittens with her, which is the best place for them to be until they are weaned. Please do not relocate kittens if they are in a safe place and with their mother; this greatly decreases their chance of survival.


We are unable to accept orphaned kittens under 8 weeks old. If you find orphaned kittens, please contact a veterinarian. You can email us at and we may be able to connect you with local resources, but we are unable to accept them ourselves. The Kitten Lady is also a fabulous resource for how to care for neonates.

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